AD4W Skyraider by Luis Eduardo Roza Rodrigues
Brand: AMT (Ex-ESCi kit)
Scale: 1/48
Modeler: Luis Eduardo Roza Rodrigues
AddOns: -


I took about 4 and half months to complete this 1/48 Skyraider AD4W AMT(Ex - Esci kit).The main challenges were sanded/scribing all panel lines with rivet markings dihedral correction and wing root /fuselage
fit.The radar dome(AN-APS) is the worst part of kit.There was no alignment between two halves of piece and don´t fit correctly with aircraft belly. Version I choose the all Glossy Dark blue version aircraft flying for US-Navy Squad VC-11.I liked of aircrafts with this scheme.I have more 2 Skyraiders AD-4/6(Monogram) under assembly in this scheme.


The cockpit was made oob except by addition of seat belts made with aluminum foil and Tamiya Tape.The paint was sealed with future before and after the wash and pastels wheatering.The dihedral is wrong and i sanded the wing roots until the correct angle.I made internal reinforcements to easier gluing wing/fuselage.The Humpback was sanded and glued in position without problems.Engine was made oob painted with silver enamel and dry brushed with matt black until steel appearance.

Click on the images to enlarge!


Painting & Decaling

I sprayed all model with gray base before the dark blue.Several thin layers of Model master Glossy Dark sea Blue was aplied with my double action Ag-3 airbrush to cover completely the model.Before i take 2000 grid sand paper and sanded very softly all model.To prepare surface to decals i sprayed future several times and before dry(3 days) i start the decal session. I aplly the decals with a little bit of future for softening and gluing im models surface.Apparently the decal is ok and the application went without troubles but in the next day the disaster begins.All transparent parts of decal film was tottaly opaque!!The aircraft has very big white words Navy and others and appearance of letters is awfull.Well, i take my nº11 scalpel and remove all transparent parts of decals with a maximum of care.4 days before i conclude this hard job and spray all model with future to seal the decals.I painted tires flat black and dry-brushed with dark gray to represent colour of used tires.Next step is wheatering.I Use several colours of pastels and washs to highlight panel lines,Wheel weels and engine stains(Gray,black,burnt siena,brown). I really liked the results!

Painting & Decaling

A real Challenge, hard work with a beautifull results and a very impressive model.It´s really big for a single engined aircraft!

Luis Eduardo Roza Rodrigues - Nick: (Eduardo-Osório)
Osório City

Photos © 2005 by Luis Eduardo Roza Rodrigues

November 14, 2005