SB2C-4 Helldiver by Rafi Ben-Shahar
Brand: Pro Modeler
Scale: 1/48
Modeler: Rafi Ben-Shahar

KMC Wingfold


Shortly after it appeared in the model market I built this Pro Modeler Helldiver with the KMC wing fold kit. You cannot go wrong with the construction as long as you remember that the photo etched dive brakes/flaps were an integral part of the base plastic that needs to be holed. So, unless you want to extend the breaks, there is no need to drill the plastic like I did. Yet, since I like drilling holes, I made another Helldiver with brakes deployed, coming in a future article.

Click on the images to enlarge!

Photos and text © 2006 by Rafi Ben-Shahar

June 07, 2006