North American AJ-2 Savage by Alexander Bigey
Brand: Mach 2
Scale: 1/72
Modeler: Alexander Bigey
AddOns: -



As I love the gracious lines of this typical postwar carrier based aircraft, I spent weeks in dry fitting, filling, sanding this kit, which I recommend to all who like challenging tasks, or to those who like the taste of plastic! The Mach 2 kit, only injected Savage in town, actually features an AJ-1 with retrofitted tail group, but became AJ-2 with an Xtrapart vacformed canopy (the one in the Rareplane kit), some minor surgery, and an Xtradecal sheet (the one in the Rareplane kit as well).

Click on the images to enlarge!



I used Naval Fighters n°22 by Steve Ginter as main reference material, but I have to thank Roy Leverich and Chuck Huber for their great help in providing me web references and color photos, after hours surfing the web to almost no avail on that subject (even the main US Navy dedicated sites) which I have to say is a pity, considering that the AJ-1/AJ-2 is the first carrier aircraft with nuclear strike capability, in US Navy service for 10 years from 1949 to 1959 in many roles (including recce and tanker) before its replacement by Skywarriors. Fotios Rouch’s article on his Collectaire 1/48 Savage in Hyperscale is of great interest as well.
This 3 crew aircraft was powered with two “turning” P&W R-2800s and one “burning” Allison J-33.

Hereafter are some pics of the construction process:

Click on the images to enlarge!


Painting & Decals

My model represents a VAH-7 AJ-2, DET45 on USS Essex during the Formosa crisis in 1958, of which two photos are featured in the Ginter Book p.104. I painted it with Tamiya spray TS-27 for white and AS-16 (light grey – USAF) which actually matches perfectly a slightly weathered US NAVY Gull grey. Satin varnish Humbrol spray seals the decals without reaction from either paint or decals.

Click on the images to enlarge!

Photos and text © 2005 by Alexander Bigey

December 22, 2005