F/A-18E Supet Hornet by Simone Fiorito
Brand: Italeri
 Scale: 1/48
Modeler: Simone Fiorito
AddOns: Eduard Cockpit, Black Box Cockpit, Two Bobs Decals

The model represents the F/A-18E bureau #165791 of VFA-115 aboard USS Abraham Lincoln during OIF here in tanker configuration, it was built from ITALERI kit, Black Box cockpit, Eduard photo-etched set, Two Bobs decals.

Click on the images to enlarge!

The kit suffers of many mistakes I decided to eliminate to improve it as real aircraft appearance.
Bigger mistake is represented by panel lines which are engraved but 90% of them are wrong or lack, so I covered the wrong lines with Tamiya putty and re-engraved the correct lines and lacking lines too.
This issue is particularly evident on both sides of the fore fuselage. Then I cut the flaps, slats, ailerons and rudders, reshaped and re-positioned them. The pylons (external are from scratch) and the fuel tanks are from Hasegawa F-18 but they were modified to correct size and shape, the wing fold system is from scratch too like the refueling probe and the refueling pod. Exhaust nozzles and FLIR pod are from Hasegawa F-18 because those from the kit were totally wrong. To paint the model I used the Humbrol enamels with Badger 150.

Click on the images to enlarge!

Photos © 2005 by Simone Fiorito

August 11, 2005
