TBM Avenger by Pete Hudson
Brand: Accurate Miniatures
 Scale: 1/48
Modeler: Pete Hudson
AddOns: -

Having seen some fantastic builds of the AM Avenger in the ARC gallery I had been meaning to get one for some time and looked everywhere to find one. As rare as rocking horse s***. So the call went out on the ARC forums and I managed to get hold of one, thanks Graham.

This is probably the best kit I have ever laid hands on, the detail is stunning and the moldings are crisp and flash free. Also the instruction booklet was very informative a gave great tips on building the model, and seems to have been written by a modeller for a modeller.

The build starts as always with the vast cockpit area which having been sprayed cockpit green was weathered with a little XF16 Silver for paint chips and a pastel wash with brown/black was used. With some PE belts added this is the only other detail needed. The fuselage went together with almost no seam another testiment to the fine moldings by AM. At this stage the armament was added and then wings and other flying surfaces. The engine having been painted was inserted into the cowl and fixed complete to the fuselage. Then I masked the various areas ready for painting.



Click on the images to enlarge!

The cockpit glass was probably the most daunting part of the build, masking the 'greenhouse' can be the making of the kit. True there are mask sets available but I decided to do it the hard way with tamiya tape and a sharp blade. (just call me a masochist)

After preshading the Avenger with dark grey the under surfaces were sprayed XF2 white. Then using Intermediate Blue for the middle colour and finally Glossy Sea Blue for the upper surfaces. A layer of future and then the 'many' decals which when applied with future snuggled down well to the surface detail. Not until I had applied the yellow on the nose I found out that I failed to mask the area for the nose decal, but I would have to live with that error. A quick brown panel wash and a layer of matt coat was then applied and with the masking removed, it was ready for final assembly.

The rear turret assembly has caused problems for many trying to make it fit, and I was no exception. I can offer no tips as to inserting this item, I struggled trying every way possible, but eventually it just popped into the opening. So just keep trying and it will happen. Then just the final touches, aerial wire from stretched sprue which needs to be made thinner, another little job which might not get done!

So a brilliant kit of a BIG aircraft and if you have one in the stash, get it built. I have recently got the AM Dauntless so I hope to try that one soon.

Happy modelling

Click on the images to enlarge!

Photos © 2005 by Pete Hudson

August 4, 2005
