F-14A Tomcat VF-84 by Andy Mullen
Brand: Hasegawa
 Scale: 1/72
Modeler: Andy Mullden
AddOns: -

The Kit, Construction


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Canopy Cleanup the Micromesh way:

Step 1. Using a New Xacto #11 Blade, remove the seam line.
Step 2. Using various grades of Micro Mesh 2x2 Touch Pads and water as a lubricant, sand in a straight line until only the sratches created by the the current grade is visible. Then using the next grade up sand at 90 degrees to the previous grade. When you reach the 12000 grade, your canopy should be nearly crystal clear.
Step 3. The only thing left is to dip the whole canopy in Klear/Future floor polish, and leave to dry overnight.

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Photos © 2005 by Andy Mullden

June 27, 2005
