EA-3B Skywarrior by Randy L. Smith
Brand: Collect-Aire
 Scale: 1/48
Modeler: Randy L. Smith
 AddOns: -


The Kit

Kit #4803N (which the n stands for new as the redid the while kit I guess from the one they use too sell.) Finely detailed resin parts, great casting with petite engraved panel lines. A lot of white metal parts, heavy duty landing gear to support weight of model. Hollow cast fuselage, well detailed cockpit with electronic operators area is also detailed that you can see thru the side open door, the cockpit area looks busy. Option on open speed brakes also. Crew hatch with ladder. A lot of detail also in the landing gear wheel wells. Solid cast wing (3 part) The first part being the middle section and then with a outer folding wings option. Separate flaps, slats. Vacuform canopy 2 included with 1 option for decal which is VQ-1.

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 Photos and text © 2005 by Randy L. Smith

June 03, 2005
